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Latest Headlines

  • Drone rangers step up

    DEFENCE CHIEFS are stepping up training to counter enemy drone threats and integrate the latest uncrewed aerial systems into British battlefield kit.


    It’s 75 years since the Berlin Blockade heralded the start of the Cold War. Here Air Cdre Graham Pitchfork explains how the RAF helped the besieged city decide its own destiny

  • Radar breaks cover

    A NEW radar which will allow Typhoon pilots to locate, identify and suppress enemy air defences has taken to the skies for the first time.

  • RAF champs find a way

    A FOGGY, wet and windy Yorkshire Dales could not dampen the ardour of RAF orienteer championship winners Sqn Ldr Philip Johnston-Davis and Flt Lt Charlie Elliss.

  • A super Bowl second

    A BATTLING second place to the US Army was the reward for the Service’s esports team in the Code Bowl 2024 event in Washington.

  • Atta scholar nets licence

    HIGH-FLYING CADET Amelia Richardson is on her way to fulfilling her RAF dream after gaining her private pilot’s licence.

  • Spitfire ‘flies’ in

    A REPLICA Spitfire ‘flew in’ to the Battle of Britain Memorial at Capel-le-Ferne this month, helped by a giant crane supplied by a local business boss.

  • Into Africa

    MILITARY INSTRUCTORS have returned from Africa where they delivered the first information operations course to the Nigerian Air Force.

  • Top Dog

    CONINGSBY-BASED MILITARY hound Ivan has been named the Services’ Top Dog after a canine showdown at Honington.

  • Card call

    BOMBER BOY Geoffrey Payne is hoping for a mail shot to mark

  • Medal honour for nuke vet

    THE FAMILY of a Nuclear Test veteran who died six years ago have received his medal at a surprise ceremony organised by the RAF.

  • Italian job’s done

    ONE OF the RAF’s longest-serving logistics experts drew a crowd of international military personnel as he bade farewell to Forces life.

  • City slickers

    A NARROW margin saw the Service’s first urban orienteer team succumb to the Army in the IS championship urban edition at the Salford City Race.

  • Open house

    WITTERING THREW open the gates to the local community for the station’s annual formal reception.

  • Secrets & spies

    THE RAF Museum is recruiting junior super sleuths this half-term with its Cold War Spies week of fun-packed adventures.

  • Air-drop duo go Dutch

    AIR DESPATCHERS whose predecessors were killed trying to resupply troops during the ill-fated Operation Market Garden returned to Arnhem 80 years after the battle.