Page 34 - issue17.05.2019
P. 34

Royal Air Force News Friday, May 17, 2019 P26

                                                                                                                         Red-letter day

       AIR   COMMODORE       Frank  Clifford  past. Beckett Intake, numbering 78 males  highest overall standard  in Initial Force  drill and deportment.
       (pictured),  Force  Protection  Force  and eight females, then proceeded with the  Protection Training. Also awarded The  l AC  Ryder: The Halton Apprentice Shield,
       Commander, was Reviewing Officer for the  formal act of graduating from 10 weeks of  Mayor of Aylesbury Trophy, for the best  awarded to the recruit who has displayed
       recent Graduation Parade of Beckett Intake.  Basic Recruit Training.        overall performance on No. 3 Flight.  the highest overall standard in physical
         Numbering 86 graduates in all, they   The Queen’s Colour was paraded and  l AC Updale: The Dusty Miller Memorial  education.
       marched out on to the Henderson Parade  borne by Flt Lt Marsh with Colour Warrant  Trophy, awarded to the recruit who has  l  AC Okanga  Guglieri: The Royal Air
       Square behind Flight Commander, Flt Lt  Officer Cully and Colour Escorts Sergeants  shown the greatest willingness to help others  Force Benevolent Fund Trophy, awarded
       Francis Wyatt, to the sound of The Central  Short and Perkes, making up a female-only  as voted for by their fellow recruits. Also  for displaying the greatest effort and
       Band of the Royal Air Force, led by WO Terry  Colour Party.                 The Lord Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire’s  determination on No. 3 Flight.
       Gardner.                                Air Cdre Clifford presented trophies and  Trophy, for the best overall performance on  l  AC Yeulett: The Station Commander’s
         They came to a stop in front of the  prizes to the top recruits, who were:  No. 4 Flight.                       Cup, awarded for displaying the greatest
       waiting  friends  and family and  performed                                 l  AC Clarke: The  Halton Aircraft  effort and determination on No. 4 Flight.
       a general salute as a Typhoon FGR3 from 3  l  SAC  Ewence: The Rothschild Trophy,  Apprentice Trophy, awarded to the recruit  l No. 3 Flight: The Lord Trenchard Trophy,
       (F) Squadron, based at RAF Coningsby, flew  awarded  to  the  recruit  who  achieves  the  who achieves the highest overall standard in  awarded to the best overall Flight.
       New Regiment officers are

       Force to be reckoned with

       THE GRADUATION  of the  displayed the most outstanding
       Junior Regiment Officers’ Course  character throughout the course.
       (JROC) 122 took place at RAF
       Honington.                       The other graduates were
         After 38 weeks of training 13  Flying Officers: Ball, Coatsworth,
       personnel graduated as Flying  Cramoysan,   Fraser,  Grant,
       Officers and  Captain  Ippolito  Harrison, Herbert, Liszkiewicz,
       graduated as a Foreign Exchange  Lower, Parker and Tregoning.
       student.                         The newly-appointed officers
       l  Captain Ippolito was awarded  are posted across all Regiment
       the Barratt Sword as the student  Squadrons to include 1 Sqn, 15 Sqn
       who has displayed the highest levels  and 27 Sqn at RAF Honington; 2
       of proficiency and character in all  Sqn at RAF Brize Norton; 34 Sqn
       aspects of the course.        at RAF Leeming; 51 Sqn at RAF
       l Fg Off Mitchell was awarded the  Lossiemouth; and 63 Sqn at RAF
       Kapuscinski Sword,  presented  to  Northolt.
       the student who has demonstrated   RAF  Regiment    Officers
       the most potential and outstanding  specialise in ground combat tactics,
       ability in leadership.        weaponry and field craft. They will
       l  Fg Off O’Rourke was awarded  lead and direct the RAF Regiment   PRIDE:
       the Vaux Trophy, as the most  Squadrons protecting RAF stations   Graduates
       improved  student  who   has  and forward operating bases.    and staff
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