Page 38 - issue17.05.2019
P. 38

Royal Air Force News Friday, May 17, 2019 P30                                                                  Follow us       @rafnewssport         /sportrafnews


       Rowers in own league

       Battle royale at Cosford                                                                       FIXTURES 2019:

                                                                                                                                   PULL TOGETHER: Main and
                                                                                                                                   left, action from the indoor event.
                                                                                                                                   PHOTOS: Sarah Jones, RAF Cosford
                                                                                                                                   Photo Section.

       A SECOND place finish for Team  selected to enter the World Indoor   ANGLING
       Brize A was the reward at the  Championships 2020 held in Paris
                                        The  association  is  looking  to  No charity shown by Service winners
       Service’s indoor rowers from the  in February.
       recent indoor championships at
       Cosford.                      launch an online indoor rowing
         The  championships  featured  league  during  the  summer.
       three different disciplines over one  Matt Tarrant, GB indoor rower,
       mile, 500 metres and a 10-minute  presented awards after the day’s
       timed event.                  action, which saw Army rower L/
         In a field of more than 60,  Cpl Stuart Elvin  win the  men’s
       competitors  including  RAF,  one-mile race, with Fg Off Aaron
       Navy, Army and UAS personnel  Broad ( Linton-On-Ouse) coming
       battled it out for medals and  second.
       also for spots in the proposed    In  the  women’s  event  SAC
       RAF team to enter the British  Hannah   Nook   (Brize)  took
       indoors again in December.    first with OC Jemima Burgess
         From that event a team will be  (BUAS)  coming    second.

        Sports Lottery
        12 April 2019

       1st Prize  SAC(T) Hayes       Ticket no.  296428  £10,000
       2nd Prize SAC Wright          Ticket no.  399382  £5,000

       3rd Prize  Flt Lt Farrar      Ticket no.  218227  £3,000
       4th Prize  Cpl Jones          Ticket no.  417419  £1,000

       5th Prize  Awaiting Contact   Ticket no.  935277  £1,000
       6th Prize  SAC Smith          Ticket no.  916544  £1,000      THAMES WATERS’ Walthamstow Reservoirs was  ones  there  were  going  to  SAC(T)  Jarvis,  who  could
                                                                     the setting for the RAF Carp Team versus Indee Rose  not hold on to them due to snagging of lines, or as he
       7th Prize  Awaiting Contact   Ticket no.  978385  £1,000      Trust charity angling match, with the IRT team headed  brought them to net. He finally secured his second fish
                                                                     by ex-Olympian Dean Macey.                   and the fourth of the match at 24lb.
       8th Prize  Mr Alexander       Ticket no.  843870  £1,000        The RAFs finest anglers faced five paired contests   The last night proved uneventful for both RAF and
                                                                     over 48-hours at the historic North London venue.  Indee Rose Trust anglers with only unwanted and in
       9th Prize  Sgt Sheffield      Ticket no.  257169  £1,000        Cold conditions greeted the anglers and it took  some cases specimen-sized Bream tipping the scales
                                                                     until early evening for the first catch to be recorded.  to over 14lb.
       10th Prize Sgt Grey           Ticket no.  375407  £1,000      SAC(T) Tom Jarvis, hooked a personal best 23lb 08oz   By first light another Carp showed up, this time
                                                                     fish. It was the first and last fish for the opening day.  falling to RAF angler Emerys Sampson, a large Mirror
                                                                       It wasn’t until the early hours of the next morning  Carp weighing in at 32lb.
                                                                     that the sound of alarms echoed around the lake, with   With only hours of the match left could the Indee
                                                                     two carp being caught by RAF angler Tom Berrisford,  Rose Trust team pull something out of the bag to
        For further information visit:                               with a 23lb 04oz hook.                       clinch  victory  from  defeat?  The  answer  was  no,  as
                                                                       The second carp was caught by Indee Rose Trust  event organiser SAC(T) Danny Walmsley bagged a                                                 angler Ray Rutter, tipping the scales at 26lb and 08oz.   huge 37lb Common Carp to seal the win.
                                                                       Once again, the catches almost stopped, with the   The event raised more than £2800 for the charity.
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