Page 37 - issue17.05.2019
P. 37

Follow us       @rafnewssport         /sportrafnews                                                          Royal Air Force News Friday, May 17, 2019 P29

                                                                                                                  Telephone: 01494 497563       Sport

                                                 6 pages of RAF Sport start here

                                                 l League girls make Cup history: p35


       CHARGE: Main and below,
       action from the games at
       The Stoop PHOTOS: SBS

       HAND HELD: Main, crunching tackles were the order of the day at Cranwell for thr Mortimer Cup, below, a Regiment players is held back
       by battling A-Grade stars                                                                                         PHOTOS: PAUL SAXBY
       Regt cup for it

       Trophy haul hits four for league stars

        RAF Regt                 38   played his second full 80 minutes in  the right wing from SAC George
        A-Grade                  12   four days. SAC(T) Josh Fitzgerald  Jones, with Webster converting. A
                                      was lively and caused problems all  further three tries from SAC Jack
                                      day. It’s given me a good overview  Wiles, Webster and LCpl Paul Miles
        IT WAS  an awesome 2019  of what I can work with going  meant the Regiment went in 22-0
        four trophy haul for the RAF  forward into the remainder of our  up at the break.
        Regiment rugby league team as  fixtures.”                      The second half was kickstarted
        they brushed aside the Service’s   Following two days of combined  in the 53rd minute when SAC
        A-Grade team 38-12 at Cranwell  training, the teams took to the  Conall  Barningham chipped  the
        for the Mortimer Cup.         field at Cranwell in hot conditions,  defence to then collect his own kick
          RAF A Grade Head Coach Cpl  and produced a robust opening 25  and go 40 yards under  the sticks.
        Chris Davidson said: “It was a  minutes.                     Webster easily added the extras
        tough physical game that gave me   It took a set move on the  to take the game to 28-0. After
        a look at some new players in the  Regiment  20 metre  line  to  break  another period of big carries and
        Academy. The 20 minutes before  the deadlock, as LAC Liam Quinn  crunching tackles from both sides,  quick tries from SAC Sam Roberts  from Gilbert and a good conversion
        half time let us down. Our second  produced a barnstorming run with  the Regt added to their tally with  and Cpl Curtis Farrow. At 32-12  from Webster. Follow the RAF and
        half was a lot better, they reacted to  team captain LCpl Andy Webster  a 50-metre break from SAC Chris  with  eight  minutes  to  go, tfurther  RAF Regiment teams on Facebook:
        what I said at the break. Stand out  adding the extras.      Gilbert.                     slick passing from the men in white  RAF Regiment Rugby League and
        performer was SAC Roberts who   Two minutes later saw a try down   The A-Grade rallied bagging two  followed to add another try out wide  Twitter @RAFRegtRugbyLea.
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