Page 35 - issue17.05.2019
P. 35

Royal Air Force News Friday, May 17, 2019 P27

                                                                                                               Kia Sportage             Motoring

       The winning formula of popular SUV has only been tweaked

                                             Still a good


       SLEEK: Kia Sportage has kept its good looks

       TIM MORRIS                                                                                                       technology in comparison to other hybrids on
       Motoring                                                                                                         the market but it is the most Polar Bear friendly
                                                                                                                        Sportage in the range.
       THE AUTOMOTIVE world has gone mad                                                                                  Every Sportage comes with a good range of
       about protecting the environment and                                                                             standard kit but GT-Line cars are, as they say
       manufacturers will take every opportunity                                                                        in the States, fully-loaded. They come with
       to shoehorn in an electric motor here and                                                                        features ranging from heated leather seats to
       there to claim that their latest models are                                                                      blind-spot warning and a forward-collision-
       saving the planet.                                                                                               avoidance system.
         Being cynical for a moment, I’m not
       entirely convinced that buying a diesel hybrid                                                                                Economy
       will stop the ice caps from melting or prevent
       Percy Polar Bear from getting a tan, but at                                                                        Strangely, you’d expect the hybrid to be the
       least you’ll feel like you’re doing your bit and                                                                 most fuel efficient but it loses out by a nose to
       driving one is certainly good PR. It will even                                                                   the twin-clutch, 1.6-litre diesel which returns
       save you a bit on tax.                                                                                           57.6mpg and 129g/km respectively. Both
         Some models are overtly green while                                                                            new  diesels  are  a  lot  more  refined  (in  diesel
       others feature subtle technology that’s                                                                          terms) than the old 1.7, which used to rattle
       designed to silently enhance efficiency. Kia’s                                                                   like a tractor, so that’s good news. The petrols
       latest Sportage falls into the subtle category.                                                                  don’t appear to make as much sense on paper
         It’s been Kia’s best-seller in the UK for a                                                                    but  we’ve  yet  to drive  them  so  we’ll  reserve
       number of years and it should therefore come                                                                     judgement.
       as little surprise to learn that the design team   REAR VIEW:
       has chosen to largely leave the car’s dynamics   Streamlined                                                                   Owning
                                              for an SUV
         You can still choose from a range of petrol                                                                      As with all Kias, the Sportage comes with
       or diesel engines but the 2.0-litre diesel has   Tech Specs                                                      a seven-year warranty. Kia Care has also been
       now been modified to accommodate a mild                                                                          extended, so you can now pay for the first seven
       hybrid 48V system.                                                                                               years of servicing up front too.
         The ‘mild’ hybrid means that the Sportage   0-60 mph            9.2 secs
       doesn’t use a separate electric motor to    Top speed             125mph                                         Pros
       provide drive. Instead it simply has an uprated                                                                  l Spacious and practical interior
       starter motor and a larger battery. These work   Fuel Consumption                                                l Sleek and sporty exterior looks
       together  to  lessen  inertia in  the  crankshaft    Urban       45.6mpg                                         l Great value with lots of kit
       and  therefore  reduce  the  amount  of  energy    Extra urban    53.3mpg                                        l Sharp handling for its class
       needed to make the engine run.          Combined                 48.7mpg                                         l Good resale values
         It’s simple and shaves a few CO2 digits to
       keep the Sportage relevant in the modern   CO2 emissions         152g/km                                         Cons
       SUV market. It doesn’t price itself beyond    Cost (as tested)    £34,545                                        l Start-Stop technology is noticeable
       the reach of its loyal fan base either, because                            CABIN: Layout is good but still too much hard plastic  l Diesel engines are still slightly noisy
       there’s no major engineering alterations                                                                         l Not the most cosseting ride for an SUV
       needed, the new battery pack sits neatly below  ambiance but there’s still a fair bit of hard  and it convincingly backs up Kia’s claim that  l Still a bit too much plastic in the cabin
       the boot floor.                       plastic on display which really lets it down.  the Sportage has ‘athletic handling’.
                                               It’s hard to fault the layout however, with   On top of this GT-Line cars get specially- Verdict
                     Design                  enough  well-placed  buttons to  make  most  tuned suspension which firms things up even  The crossover landscape is littered with soft
                                             operations a doddle without having to take  further. This does mean that ride quality is  roaders and imitations. It’s like buying a Rolex
         The Sportage is now a quarter of a century  your eyes off the road. It also has a well- reduced slightly but if you prefer precision  from a market stall, it may look convincing but
       old. It always has been a fairly good looking  designed, integrated, sat nav/entertainment  to a rolling armchair it won’t trouble you too  you’re just waiting for the fingers to fall off.
       SUV and Kia has largely kept the familiar  screen that doesn’t take a genius to operate.  much.                    The Sportage is more than that. It has a
       lines.  Changes are pretty minimal, consisting   In terms of space, it’s roomy enough   Around town you can feel the mild hybrid  long history, it will cope with the rough and
       mainly of new bumpers, a new ‘Tiger Nose’  for most families with a good amount of  at work due to a couple of small give-aways.  tumble if you take it off road and it has a strong
       grille, silver skid plates, new fog lights and  legroom. It loses out to a few competitors  The first is a bit of additional engine braking  following. 131,000 were sold in Europe during
       new LED headlights. Kia has made the  for rear headroom but that’s a price worth  as the starter motor turns into a dynamo and  2017 alone and a large part of that success is
       sensible decision to keep the Sportage, well,  paying for the sleek looks in my book. You  sends some of the ‘lost’ energy back to the li- down to trust in Kia’s reliability record; that
       sporty, and that’s good news.         can’t have it all.                   ion battery. The second is that the engine cuts  seven-year warranty is a winner.
         Moving inside, tweaks are also limited,                                  out as you approach junctions. Anyone not   It is a very good car and despite the arrival of
       which is slightly less positive. Don’t get me   On the road                used to start-stop technology may think that  newer competitors such as Nissan’s Qashqai it
       wrong, build quality is good and there are                                 the  car  has stalled  but it’s  actually switched  holds its ground well. The spacious interior and
       no rattles but Kia could have gone further in   When you’re putting it around those  itself into coast mode, ready to fire back up  the smart new dash give it an edge while the
       upping the feel of the cabin. The GT-Line S  winding country roads the Sportage is  when you need it.            refinement levels have significantly improved
       comes with smart red-piped leather seats and  particularly agile for a Sports Utility Vehicle.   In reality it’s a pretty seamless system that  thanks to the new diesel engines.
       a liberal sprinkling of chrome effect trim on  The suspension has been carried over from  just works in the background so you soon   I always did have a soft spot for the Sportage
       the dashboard. This does improve the overall  the previous model so there are no surprises  get used to it. It’s not groundbreaking green  and the latest revision does not disappoint.
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