Page 42 - issue17.05.2019
P. 42

Royal Air Force News Friday, May 17, 2019 P34                                                                  Follow us       @rafnewssport         /sportrafnews


       SA polo tour is so cool

       Matches and training prove a hit

                                                                    A MIXED  bag of Service polo  Crichton and Cpl Emily Altass, took  know some RAF polo players, but
                                                                    players took full advantage of the  full advantage of everything on the  also, being able to meet players from
                                                                    association’s recent overseas tour  tour.  They  developed  hugely  from  South Africa and playing by their
                                                                    to South Africa.                the experience, and also undertook  Polo rules, I had the chance to learn
                                                                       Ranging from beginners to  a team building visit to the Rorke’s  innovative tactics and skills. “It was
                                                                    seasoned players, the team of five was  Drift battlefields.”   an unforgettable experience.”
                                                                    led by Flt Lt Eleanor Hoogewerf, and   Polo beginner CPL Emily Altass:   The association will take part in
                                                                    combined with the Underberg Polo  “As a beginner, the Polo Training  the RA Cup at Tidworth Polo Club
                                                                    Club to play 65 chukkas, along with  Tour in South Africa was an absolute  on May 27, the Duke of York Cup
                                                                    training sessions from 5 High-Goal  privilege and a fantastic opportunity  Inter-Services, Tidworth Polo Club
                                                                    handicapped  professional  coaches,  to integrate with the RAF Polo team  on June 1, Ham Challenge Sponsors’
                                                                    while the complete beginners trained  and take polo skills to higher level.   Day, Ham Polo Club on June 9 and
                                                                    with -2 handicapped coaches.      “I was completely immersed in the  the Development Inter-Services at
                                                                       Team captain Flt Lt Ben Lane  sport – from playing up to six hours  Tidworth Polo Club on August 3.
                                                                    said: “The team, which also featured  per day to studying tactics over lunch.  Follow the association on Twitter
                                                                    Flt Lt John Sweet, Flt Lt Claire   “It was a great way to get to  @RAFPoloOfficial.


        Mixed IS bag for rugby union stars

                                                                      than  an  hour  we  played  in  the
                                                                      Army’s half. This resulted in
                                                                      four superb tries. Although after
                                                                      the break, the Army created
                                                                      opportunities, at no point did
                                                                      they look like overwhelming
                                                                      the  well-drilled  RAF   side.
                                                                      “The  win was the  culmination  of
                                                                      more  than  a  decade  of  work  and
                                                                      commitment by players, coaching
                                                                      staff and management, for which I
                                                                      am hugely proud.
                                                                        “The  professionalisation  of
                                                                      the  women’s  game  is  epitomised
                                                                      by the leap the RAF Women have
                                                                      taken to dominate a strong Army   UP AND DOWN: Main and right, action from the double-header of Inter-Service matches
                                                                      side. With numerous Premiership   played at Gloucester versus the Army                                 PHOTOS: SBS
                                                                      and International stars among the
                                                                      RAF cadre, we look forward to a  we knew the myth of the Army  for us on the day. It’s a wake-up
        IT WAS a day to remember for the  score 37-3 at the break, the RAF  change in era, of the Inter-Services  as unbeatable was gone. Now the  call for us as a squad, and we are
        Service’s ladies rugby union team  men blunted the Army attack after  women’s competition, where the  girls proved that the Army are  already working behind the scenes
        as they stormed to an historic  the break to just the two converted  RAF sets the standard for others to  beatable and have proved how  to ensure we don’t have a repeat of
        Inter-Services win, while the men  tries for 49-3, despite losing Fg Off  achieve.”         brilliant they are.”           this year’s campaign.
        saw their title defence ended on a  Rob  Bell  early  on  in  the  second   Head coach FS John Wilding   RAF  men’s team  stalwart, Cpl   “Credit to the Army, they were
        tough afternoon in Gloucester.  half following a yellow card.   said: “When I first coached this  Josh McNally, said: “It’s been a  fantastic this year and thoroughly
          In a powerful display the ladies   RAFRUW Director, Wg Cdr  team in 2002 we had never beaten  pretty disappointing IS campaign  deserved the IS crown.”
        team, led by Sqn Ldr Chrissy  Mark Jackson, speaking after the  the Army, and it has taken until  for us, especially after the highs   McNally now looks to meeting
        Siczowa, stormed to a  23-14 win  women’s win, said: “From the start  now, but the way they have done  of being crowned Inter-Service  up with his new Premiership
        over the Army. In the second  of the match the RAF dominated.  it, the way they have worked is  Champions last season.     league teammates at Bath, having
        game of the day at the Kingsholm  There were excellent attacking  unbelievable.                “The Navy fixture was a game  bid farewell to London Irish after
        Ground, the men’s team just could  runs, enabled by an impenetrable   “We drew last year, but we lost  that could have gone either way,  two years at the Sunbury-based
        not get out of the blocks. With the  defence, ensuring that for more  the  game  technically.  From  there  but the Army proved too strong  club.
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